Our Impact
GNO, Inc. Impact
Business Development Wins
wdt_ID | column1 | column2 | column3 |
1 | AlquemyIQ | Healthy School Food Collaborative | Possiblity Space |
2 | Amazon Distribution | High Voltage | Psmanthe Sand |
3 | Ampirical | Hubig's | Rain CII |
4 | Ampirical Solutions | Hubig's Pies | Raistone Capital |
5 | Anudip | iMerit | Revolution Foods |
6 | Appitude | IMTT | S&W Wholesale Foods |
7 | Arq Fuel | International Paper Expansion | SCI, Inc. |
8 | Atlantic Metrocast Inc. | International Shipholding Corporation | Select Comfort |
9 | Benzait | Intralox | Select Laboratory |
10 | Big Easy Bucha | inXile Entertainment | Shandong Yuhuang Chemical |
11 | Big Fish Gaming | Iria Pak | Shell Gulf Wind Technology Accelerator |
12 | Blade Dynamics/LM Wind Power | IT Minerals | Shiptech Services |
13 | Boeing | LA Buyout Fund | Sinter Metal |
14 | Bradken Industries/Southland Steel | LA Pepper Exchange | Solomon Group |
15 | Breeze Airways | Lineage Logistics | St. Charles Clean Fuels |
16 | British Airways | Litify | Starr Textiles Services |
17 | Cajo Technologies | LM Wind Power | StrikerVR |
18 | Calucem | Lockheed Martin | Swaybox Studios |
19 | CCI | MCC Bernhard | Syngas |
20 | Chalmette Refining | Medline | TCI Packaging |
21 | CPX Interactive | MKS Plastics | Testronic |
22 | Dixie Brewing | Momentive | The Receivables Exchange |
23 | DXC Technology | Monsanto | Torsh |
24 | Dyno Nobel | Mosaic | Total Quality Logistics |
25 | Elmer's Chocolate | NALCO | Triton Stone |
26 | Entergy | NATCO Expansion | TriWest Healthcare Alliance |
27 | Eurochem | Nest | United Utility Services |
28 | Excella | Netchex | USLNOLA |
29 | EY Shared Services NEAT | Niagara Bottling | Venture Global LNG |
30 | First Bauxite | Noranda | Viking Cruises |
31 | Folgers | Northrop Grumman | Wanhua |
32 | General Dynamics Information Technology | Nucor | Whitney Hancock |
33 | Gleaux Software | Pelican Energy | Yuhuang |
34 | Globalstar | Performance Software | ZEEP |
35 | Gramercy Labs | Pin Oak Terminals |
Thank you for taking a few minutes to read about the impact of Greater New Orleans, Inc. over the past 20 years.
We are proud of the difference that GNO, Inc. has made for the region over two decades, helping to create the conditions where companies want to invest their capital, and people want to raise their family. Through these years, GNO, Inc. has been guided by three core principles:
- Relationships – Developing strong, mutually productive relationships based on trust
- Relevance – Always and only pursuing initiatives that will make a difference for our economy and community
- Results – A resolute focus on execution, and driving results
GNO, Inc. owes its success to the incredible dedication and support of our stakeholders: first, the GNO, Inc. staff, whom I would put up against any in the country for attitude and ability; then, the GNO, Inc. Board Chairs and Board of Directors, who have provided incalculable intellectual and financial investment in the mission of GNO, Inc.; also, the hundreds of GNO, inc. investors, private and public, who have made our work possible; finally, the multitude of partners, from LED, to universities, to elected officials, to other organizations, who have been by our side through this journey.
From all of us at GNO, Inc., to all of you – THANK YOU!
Here’s to the next twenty years.
Rankings & Facts/Figures
Top Economic Development Group in the U.S.
Site Selection, a leading economic development journal, named Greater New Orleans, Inc. as one of the best-performing economic development groups in America for 2023.
Site SelectionEconomic Development Organization of the Year
IEDC selected GNO, Inc. as the Economic Development Organization of the Year, with a “Gold” designation for communities over 500,000 residents.
IEDCEconomic Development: Silver Award
The Silver Award in Business Facilities’ annual Deal of the Year competition went to Greater New Orleans and Louisiana Economic Development.
Business Facilities