Times-Picayune Citizens’ Group Speaks out on Proposed Changes to The Times-Picayune
NEW ORLEANS | JUNE 4, 2012 — A group of concerned civic and business leaders have come together in the wake of the recent announcement by the owners of The Times-Picayune to move to a three-day a week print version in addition to the current web-based nola.com product.
The group’s purpose is to ensure the continuation of the delivery of a high quality, seven-day-a-week newspaper, with access to the entire community. The group intends to open discussions with the current owners as well as other interested parties to achieve its purpose.
Citing the unique New Orleans regional landscape, which has steadily and successfully rebuilt itself since the devastation of Hurricane Katrina to become a beacon for economic resilience and innovation, the group is reviewing all options and opportunities to influence the current plans, as is consistent with desires of the papers’ customers and wider community.
As the daily news vehicle, The Times-Picayune has represented the Greater New Orleans community for more than 175 years, serving three critical functions: ensuring news access for all citizens; providing serious coverage that protects the public; and, creating a common conversation and cultural cohesion amongst all New Orleanians.
With this history and service in mind, the Citizens Group believes that it is important to clearly state its desire for The Times-Picayune to remain a daily newspaper, and that any possible future change be conducted in a more effective and considerate transition than what was announced to take effect beginning in September.
“In the next several years, the city will host an unprecedented amount of national and international visitors and media, including the NFL Super Bowl, NCAA Women’s Final Four, NBA All-Star game, commemoration of the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina and celebration of the city’s 300th birthday,” said Scott Cowen, president of Tulane University. “These events, along with the downtown opening of two new $1 billion-plus hospitals, deserve a more robust approach to news delivery.”
“Now is not the time to switch suddenly to a three-day a week publication,” stated Anne Milling, Founder of Women of the Storm. “A daily Times-Picayune has been the backbone of the community in our post-Katrina environment and provides the foundation for all civic dialogue and discourse. It is our hope that the owners will respect the voices and desires of the community which has been so loyal to the printed newspaper for generations.”
“I can and have accepted change in my life. But I do not think this is a good change,” said Leah Chase, Chef at Dooky Chase. “People like Sheila Stroup, Judy Walker, Doug MacCash, and Brett Anderson provide me with information about the things I love, and I can relate to what they write about. For people my age, this will be a terrible loss.”
“New Orleans was recently named the ‘#1 Fastest Improving Economy in the Nation’ by the Wall Street Journal,” said Michael Hecht, President & CEO of Greater New Orleans, Inc. “The drastic reduction of our paper is not only inconsistent with this economic renaissance, it also sends a negative – and erroneous – message to the rest of the world about our resurgent community’s viability.”
Times-Picayune Citizens’ Group
This release can be downloaded here.
Jay Altman Chief Executive Officer FirstLine SchoolsArchbishop Gregory M. Aymond Archbishop of New Orleans John Barry Kent Blackwell Ralph Brennan James Carville and Mary Matalin Tod Chambers, President Henry Coaxum Dr. Michael Cowan Scott Cowen Flozell Daniels, Jr. Norman Francis Ruthie Frierson Melissa Gibbs, Chair Leon Giorgio Rafael C. Goyeneche III Julie Graybill Lucien Gunter Stan Harris Michael Hecht, President & CEO William H. Hines Walter Isaacson Tamara Jackson Leslie Jacobs Ben Johnson John Little Dr. James E. Lyons, Sr. Nancy Marsiglia Chassity McComack Ed McGinnis Reid McLellan Suzanne Mestayer Anne Milling Todd Murphy |
Thom Pepper Chair Lower 9th Ward Stakeholder CoalitionStephen Perry President & CEO New Orleans Convention & Visitors Bureau Wendell Pierce Debby Pigman Dr. Patrick Quinlan, Chief Executive Officer Larry Rase Julia Reed Stephen Reuther Charles Rice Toni Rice Howard Rodgers Nolan V. Rollins Greg Rusovich Harry Shearer Nick Spitzer Mark Vicknair Dr. Thomas R. Warner Dr. Joe Welch Alyssa Wenck Brandy Whisnant Rev. Kevin Wildes, S.J., Ph.D. Tim Williamson 504ward The Foundation for Historical Louisiana French Quarter Citizens, Inc. Lafayette Square Association Louisiana Landmarks Society Smart Growth for Louisiana Vieux Carre Property Owners, Residents, and Associates, Inc. Times-Picayune Loving Cup Recipients 1992 Times-Picayune Loving Cup Recipient 1995 Times-Picayune Loving Cup Recipient 1997 Times-Picayune Loving Cup Recipient 1999 Times-Picayune Loving Cup Recipient 2000 Times-Picayune Loving Cup Recipient 2003 Times-Picayune Loving Cup Recipient 2006 Times-Picayune Loving Cup Recipient 2007 Times-Picayune Loving Cup Recipient 2008 Times-Picayune Loving Cup Recipient 2009 Times-Picayune Loving Cup Recipient 2010 Times-Picayune Loving Cup Recipient 2011 Times-Picayune Loving Cup Recipient |
Additional Signatories
Deborah R. Lea
Interim Chancellor
Delgado Community College
William S. Wainwright, Ph.D.
Northshore Technical Community College
Guy Williams
President & CEO
Gulf Coast Bank and Trust Company
Shelly Waguespack
Pat O’Brien’s Bar and Restaurant
Beth Galante
Global Green New Orleans
Taylor Beery
Chief Executive Officer
Christine Hoffman
Rotary Club of New Orleans
Paul McIlhenny
Chairman & CEO
McIlhenny Company
Laura Claverie
Saint Charles Avenue Association
Cokie and Steve Roberts
The Honorable Lindy Boggs
Kim Rosenberg
French Quarter Management District
Adolfo Garcia
RioMar, La Boca, and A Mano
Adrienne Thomas
French Quarter Business Association
Shelby Russ
President and CEO
Associated Office Systems
Mignon Faget
Mignon Faget, Ltd.
Ray Brandt
Ray Brandt Auto Group
Zeb Mayhew, Jr.
Executive Director
Oak Alley Plantation
Preservation Resource Center
2003 Times-Picayune Loving Cup Recipient
Allen Favrot
Lea Young
New Orleans League of Women Voters
Robert Fresh Market
Lakeview Grocery
Chad Berg
Lee Michaels Fine Jewelry
Jack Brancewicz
Junior Achievement of Greater New Orleans, Inc.
E. Tiffany Adler
Coleman E. Adler and Sons
Mitchell Mintz
Hurwitz Mintz
D.W. Rhodes Funeral Homes, Inc.
Rhodes Family of Businesses
Latter & Blum
Ralph Brennan
Ralph Brennan Restaurant Group
Sandra Slifer
League of Women Voters of St. Tammany
Kyle Wedberg
President & CEO
NOCCA – New Orleans Center for Creative Arts
Bureau of Governmental Research
Al Robichaux
Executive Director
Jefferson Council on Aging, Inc.
June Leopold
National Council of Jewish Women, New Orleans Section
Jim Pate
Executive Director
New Orleans Area Habitat for Humanity
The Louisiana Women’s Network
The Women’s Health Access Project
The Louisiana Medicare Rx Access Network
The Louisiana Partnership for Prescription Assistance
The Louisiana Health Access Network
Second Harvest Food Bank
Louisiana Children’s Museum
Ogden Museum of Southern Art
(New signatories added in order of response)