Northshore Technical Community College Ranked #1 In USA
In a recent study by The Brookings Institute, Northshore Technical Community College (Slidell/Hammond/Bogalusa/Greensburg) was identified as one of six two-year colleges in the USA to receive a perfect score of 100 for providing “value added” in terms of the earning potential and earning power of its graduates, ranking the college first in the nation this category.
The study, entitled “Beyond College Rankings, a value added approach to assessing two and four year schools”, used a variety of public and private data sources to identify colleges and universities that provide value added earnings potential for graduates. In particular, the study examined mid-career earnings, occupational earning power, and loan repayment rate of the typical graduate. For each variable, the highest possible score is 100, which indicates that there is a significant and positive difference between what is predicted and what is actually observed. The report found that the expected occupational earning power of the typical NTCC graduate is $62,056, but the actual occupational earning power is $76,849, giving the college a perfect score of 100.