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June 21, 2015

New Orleans Lands Two Major Tech Conferences

Two major software and technology conferences have chosen to make Greater New Orleans their new home:

Collision, the fastest growing technology conference in America, is moving to New Orleans from Las Vegas in April 2016.  Collision combines thousands of tech startups with hundreds of investors, along with technology media from around the world.  One venture capitalist said, “In Vegas the conference was just a conference, I think this will rival and replace SxSW [Austin].”  You can read more about Collision NOLA here.

Major League Gaming (MLG), the longest running eSports league in the world, will be hosting its “Super Bowl,” the World Finals, in New Orleans October 2015.  eSports is the fastest growing sport in the world, with over 200M watching or playing worldwide in 2014.  You can read a recent ESPN article, “Resistance is futile: eSports is massive … and growing.

Greater New Orleans is the fastest growing tech market in America; Collision and MLG will significantly add to this momentum and critical mass.