Bourbon Street Attack: GNO, Inc. Statement

2023 GNO Jobs Report: Explore the top occupations in the region

July 24, 2018

FastStart Ranked #1 Workforce Program in USA (9th Year in a Row)

Business Facilities magazine has ranked Louisiana Economic Development (LED) FastStart as the nation’s No. 1 state workforce training program for a record ninth consecutive year. In the magazine’s 2018 State Rankings Report, Louisiana also earned Top 10 rankings among the best states for Economic Growth Potential, Foreign Trade Zone activity (exports) and Chemicals Manufacturing.

Business Facilities has ranked LED FastStart as the best workforce development program from any state every year this decade. LED FastStart works with new and expanding companies in target industries to tailor comprehensive recruiting, screening and state-of-the-art training solutions that enable employees to be fully prepared for the launch of new corporate operations on day one.

You can read more here.