Bourbon Street Attack: GNO, Inc. Statement

2023 GNO Jobs Report: Explore the top occupations in the region

July 28, 2023

Chapter 4 – Workforce: Creating a Demand-Driven Workforce System

Transformative Economic Development

Chapter 4 – Workforce: Creating a Demand-Driven Workforce System

Many years ago, a prominent politician approached me at an event and clasped me on the shoulder.  That’s never good.  “Michael,” he said, “I am counting on GNO, Inc. for jobs.”  I looked at him, and what crossed my mind to say was, “Well, I’m counting on you for safe streets, good schools, and responsive, effective, government.”  But I didn’t say it, and that’s why I’m able to be here today, writing this chapter.

Regardless, it got me thinking.  There seemed to be this pervasive view that businesses are essentially like Pez-dispensers for jobs.  If you just bonk them on the head hard enough, the jobs will spit out.  Frankly, only someone who has never made payroll could feel this way.  For those of us who have signed checks that people rely on for their rent and food, we know that jobs are critical, but that they are also expensive and not easy to provide and sustain.

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