2024 GNO Jobs Report: Explore the top occupations in the region

Entergy volunteers and workers join together for environmental clean up

Environmental Management

An emerging sector in the Greater New Orleans region, environmental management seeks to develop products and services that help both companies and their communities manage and profit from environmental challenges.

Though Greater New Orleans is certainly not the only region in the world facing heightened threats from climate change, its experience, citizen and workforce engagement, and leadership commitment present a unique opportunity to develop and export expertise in energy, waste, and water management.

Facts & Figures

Coastal Master Plan to Restore Our Coast

One of the only US states with a Comprehensive Coastal Master Plan to protect and restore coastal lands.

Developed using the best available science and engineering, Louisiana’s Coastal Master Plan by the state’s Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA). focuses our efforts and guides the actions needed to sustain our coastal ecosystem, safeguard coastal populations, and protect vital economic and cultural resources. Written in 2017, the 50-year, $50 Billion plan sets an ambitious path to respond to the loss of Louisiana’s coastal land and the threats of storm surge events. It includes a list of projects that build or maintain land and reduce risk to local communities, and it identifies a long-term program of construction, operations and maintenance, and adaptive management.

Business Incentives

Environmental management businesses benefit from state incentives

Louisiana Quality Jobs Program: Provides a cash rebate to companies that create well-paid jobs and promote economic development, including up to a 6% rebate of annual gross payroll for new direct jobs for up to 10 years and a state sales/use rebate on capital expenditures.

LED FastStart: Recognized as the nation’s best state workforce training program, LED FastStart provides customized employee recruitment, screening, and training to new and expanding companies at no cost.

Notable Employers

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