2023 GNO Jobs Report: Explore the top occupations in the region

Talent Solutions

Industry leaders discuss the business environment with a reporter

Finding the right talent for your business

We understand the key to growing your business is finding and growing the right talent.  At GNO, Inc., we have developed customized programming and resources to assist with the needs of businesses.  We have dedicated staff who work with companies in numerous capacities around talent recruitment.  Whether assisting in onboarding talent into the New Orleans market or developing talent pipelines with our higher education partners, it is a focused effort to retain and attract talent to Greater New Orleans.  Our Workforce Development team also works directly with companies and higher education partners to develop customized and demand-driven curricula and pathways that can provide graduates with job opportunities that align with the needs of our companies.

Rankings & Facts/Figures

GNO, Inc. Talent Solutions

Here to help with talent and workforce development needs

GNO, Inc. serves as a free “concierge” services provider for your business. Our experienced staff can answer questions, connect you to resources, and help you find the best solution for your talent and workforce development needs:

  • Talent pipeline connections with higher education and nonprofit partners
  • New employee orientation assistance and acclimation services
  • Quality of life tours for key positions (neighborhoods, schools)
  • Trailing spouse employment assistance
  • Service provider and other needed referrals
  • Research and access to workforce data
  • Identifying industry liaisons for workforce development initiatives
  • Local, state, and federal policy support

Demand-Driven Workforce Solutions

GNO, Inc. wants to understand your talent needs to develop demand-driven solutions

GNO, Inc. operates a business and industry demand-driven human capital strategy to ensure that the region meets the workforce demands of targeted job growth sectors through a balance of human capital management and workforce development activities.

GNO, Inc. will develop strategies to address workforce gaps, ensure the distinct needs of our region’s leading industries are addressed, and maximize training and education resources.

GNO, Inc. target industry sectors include:

  • Advanced Manufacturing
  • Energy
  • Environmental Management
  • Health Sciences
  • Supply Chain and Logistics
  • Technology

GNO, Inc. is also responsive to urgent or special needs that may arise outside of these target sectors when appropriate.